
Archive for the ‘supporting artists’ Category

I just got back from a whirlwind trip through Portland, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and then Portland again.  Unintentionally, it’s my summer of Portland!

Portland's "Waffle Window" in the Hawthorn neighborhood. I've never known of one of these in another city!

One of many amazing views from The Presidio in San Francisco

The trip was all by car, and keeping me company through much of that trip were some fine, fine musicians.  In the form of recordings, of course, but even so those musicians can really keep you going.

I bought the new albums by Sarah McLachlan and Sarah Harmer just before heading to SF.  I have this funny thing about not downloading albums by artists that I really want to support.  I know I’m supporting them through their downloads, too, but for some reason having that physical album makes me feel like I am contributing more to their support network.  They put some effort into creating not just a sound, but also a look for their album, and I want to honor that endeavor.

Sarah Harmer’s new album, “Oh Little Fire” is great.  It’s fun, it’s interesting, it’s true to form to her previous albums.  Particularly to her earlier albums (which offer such songs as “Basement Apartment” and “Almost”).  I’m really enjoying it so far, and am looking forward to listening to it more and more, hopefully gaining some musical inspiration along the way.  “Late Bloomer” on this new album is a particular favorite!  She’s inspired me in the past, and I really enjoy singing her songs.  I love how she writes—rarely an obvious statement in a verse or line, and yet the feeling definitely comes through.  I aspire to be that interesting lyrically!

Sarah McLachlan…well…really, what is more fantastic than a Sarah album?!  Seriously, I’m hard-pressed to think of any music that inspires me more than Sarah’s.  I also can’t think of another artist I’d rather sit down and have a conversation with.  That woman is truly amazing on so many levels.  (Shameless admiration on my end, obviously!)  If for some reason you don’t already know her (how is this possible?!), check out this video:From the minute I was introduced to her music back in college, I have never stopped feeling inspired and moved by it.  Of course, with artists like Sarah, it goes beyond the music.  She uses her music to give back, to reach the general public and others who need it, and she helps us all celebrate each other and acknowledge the important offerings of women by founding things such as Lilith Fair.

I’ll go into Lilith Fair on another post, because I had the privilege of attending it this year and have way too much to say on that subject.  In the meantime, however, let me expound on Sarah McLachlan just a little bit more.  Despite the change in her personal circumstances, her album, “Laws of Illusion“, remains honest and hopeful, moving and deep, insightful and uplifting.  She is the essence of feminine in her demeanor and her music—strength, honesty, and beauty all coming through in her lyrics, songwriting, and interactions with her audience.  Yes, I worship this woman.  😉  While I cannot BE Sarah McLachlan, she certainly emanates qualities I am striving for.  Obviously I express these qualities in different ways, but it is very nice to have an individual to admire from afar who also seems relatable.

From “Awakenings” by Sarah McLachlan:

Oh I wanna learn, I wanna know
Will our history crush us or can we let it go?
I’m not the girl I was but what have I become?
I’m not so willing anymore to bend
Still pleasing and conceding but I’m not gonna lose myself again

In a previous blog post I mentioned the need to surround yourself with people that inspire you.  An amendment to this would be that this inspiration doesn’t necessarily have to come IN PERSON.  Professional artists can be just as uplifting, even if you don’t know them.

I am so thankful for the individuals that continue to bless us with their creative gifts!

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